Pronunciation /slɑt//slɒt/
- Time slot: Spanish translation: intervalo de tiempo: Entered by: Silvina Dell'Isola Urdiales.
- TimeSlot translation in English-French dictionary. En 63 Having regard to all of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the questions referred is that the provisions of Article 1 in conjunction with Article 4 of the Regulation must be interpreted as not precluding national legislation which establishes a system of prior authorisation for maritime cabotage services providing for the.
Channel time slot conference slot container slot crossed-slot antenna. If you need English to Spanish or Spanish to English translation software, dictionaries. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
to put a coin in the slot—meter una moneda en la ranura
- This user-friendly machine has a tiny slot for inserting the bank-notes and the service provided is free.
- I inserted a CD into the insert slot on the machine and it pulled the CD inside.
- Coffee drinkers in luxurious coffee shops may throw a disrespectful or pathetic look on me, one who puts coins in the slot of a coffee machine.
- She inserts a piece of metal in to the card slot of the ATM machine, then when the card gets stuck she advises the user to re-enter their pin number while taking note of it herself.
- Only when Tiffany shoved a few coins in the machine slot and restarted the aeroplane again did the child shut up.
- They noticed the cashpoint slot was narrow, and when the card was retained they remained by the machine for further instructions - but nothing happened.
- Police said crooks blocked the slot of cash machines, then noted the pin number by looking over the customer's shoulder.
- The conmen had constructed a full fake metal fascia decorated with bank logos and then put it on the front of the cash machine with slots for the card and for a receipt to be dispensed.
- He took the two coins with a half grin and inserted them in the slot.
- She dug around in her purse and inserted a one-pound coin into the slot, waiting impatiently for the machine to process the menu.
- It has to be inserted into a slot inside your PC in order to work.
- The desktop software that manages the scanner is clunky, and feeding a film strip requires that you insert it into a slot just right.
- Aruna put the disc into the slot, and the machine began to whir.
- You will have to open the PC and find a slot to insert the cards.
- Once you park, get to the machine nearest to your car, insert a five rupee coin at the slot provided and type your car registration number.
- Beck watched as Clark reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, thin plastic card, which he inserted into a slot underneath the key.
- Well you pay for the ticket by inserting coins into a coin slot, and of course, notably the ticket machine does not take notes.
- The woman is trying to slip quarters into the machine slot with one hand while struggling to hold on to the feisty girl with her other hand.
- He found a quarter with his index finger, picked it up and pushed it into the coin slot on the face of the machine.
- He banged his head on a coin slot, tore a hole in it the size of a quarter, started bleeding bad and couldn't find anything to plug the hole with but washing powder.
muesca feminine
- It's certainly usable, but maybe having slots instead of screw holes for more flexibility when mounting would have been better.
- When placed into a slot that fits the screw's groove and shape, this allows for rotary motion to be converted into forward or backward motion.
- It's easy to find a bit that fits the screw slot properly.
- Of course, the screw slot is pretty fine, so without a properly fitting screwdriver, there is a real risk of marring things.
- This prevents the screwdriver from climbing out of the screw slot.
- It generally requires slotting the card into the AGP port and securing it to the slot via a screw.
- The fence is held fixed by thumbscrews bearing on the top of the guides, rather than by screws passing through the slots of the guides and pressing collars against their bottoms.
- He showed me the particular key to the bureau, which appeared to be quite complicated, as it had four sets of grooves and slots, instead of the average of one.
- An undercutter cuts a horizontal slot, or kerf, along the floor of the advancing room to provide a relief for blasting.
- They've even used proper PCI slot covers that screw in, so you don't bleed to death from trying to poke out those annoying pressed covers that most cases have.
- An accessory pack full of the usual stuff including various screws, stands, slot covers, etc was included.
- Cut, drill or rout out a slot (as marked by XXX) for 1/2 of the length.
- Quickly, she sealed it and without looking dropped it into the slot marked ‘out of town mail.’
- A slot had to be marked out and cut out on the side of the case for the motherboard I / O plate to fit in.
- I looked more closely, and realized that the deep, circular groove in the metal plate that surrounded the slot was more than decorative engraving.
- It is a matter of indifference to the designer of the tool whether particles are trapped within the catcher at the level of the groove or at the level of the slot.
- The SPD-SL reinforcing plate has a beveled slot, and the thin head of the Campy screw bends a bit to conform.
- He fed the disk into the reader slot, checked to make sure no one had screwed up the settings, and hit go.
- Placing the unit in the slot, Nathan replaced the panel and screwed it in just as Sean walked in.
- The delivery system includes a first modular manifold for internally channeling the high purity fluid streams along seamless slots.
plaza feminine
- The subject of no fewer than three slots on television news bulletins on Thursday night, it was an unprecedented achievement for an editor demanding his paper gets talked about.
- The BBC is to place greater emphasis on foreign affairs programming with the announcement of funding for more commissions, to be broadcast in prime-time slots.
- In another change from the usual pattern, the lectures will be broadcast in a morning slot at 9.00 am (with a repeat in the evening).
- It is listened to by more than 15,000 people every week and the Somali slot will be broadcast from 7.40 to 7.55 pm.
- The five shortlisted stories will be broadcast in a late-night slot when readers are judged to be broader-minded than in the afternoon.
- Leon's speech was broadcast on news slots on various television channels.
- The BBC occupies the broadcasting slot which The Guardian occupies in print.
- This programme was his first bite at a regular broadcast slot, though his function was limited to introducing the panellists and asking the questions.
- Unfortunately, when it is televised, often it is broadcast during inconvenient time slots.
- There was a spate of complaints in the press recently about cable TV operators assigning Taiwan's three sports broadcasters into unpopular slots.
- The special edition programme will be broadcast in the regular time slot on BBC ONE in summer 2005.
- Additionally, ITV would be allowed to move the Monday to Thursday bulletin to a later slot on 52 times a year.
- An increasing proportion of commentators hardly ever write at all but occupy regular slots on radio or television, often reaching a much wider audience than any author could hope to.
- Musicians from solo artists to bands are invited to call to book one of the evening slots which will be broadcast from professionally set-up recording studios.
- Once 15 separate companies offered unique programmes and bartered for airtime and slots.
- For correspondents, the anchor slot became the pinnacle position.
- The new series will be filmed in London and is due to go out in a lunchtime slot on BBC ONE.
- Rather than being relegated to Saturday morning kiddie fare, anime often holds a prime time slot on Japanese television and is programmed for adults.
- But it's just a format, the way a magazine or a slot of television time is a format.
- Either way, there are not the big budget regional programmes being produced that sometimes ended up being shown during primetime slots on the network, giving much needed character and variety.
2.2Radio Television
the band has a regular slot in that bar—el grupo toca regularmente en ese bar
transitive verbslotting, slotted, slotted
- This is what a new £7.4million extension to Bradford Royal Infirmary will look like when the prefabricated sections are slotted together.
- South Lakeland residents are being urged to slot their coins in the collecting tins of the Royal British Legion to invest in a poppy to wear with pride.
- The best outcome would be encouragement of a view of education which placed more emphasis on drawing people out (which is what the Latin educare means) and less on slotting them in to jobs.
- Shoppers and commuters in Newbridge could well be slotting their euros in the parking metres as soon as October, according to county council officials.
- Then she tidied the piles of paper and slotted it into the printer trays upside down, so that the next day's printing would be backed with junk.
intransitive verbslotting, slotted, slotted
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franja horaria
intervalo de tiempo
franjas horarias
espacio de tiempo
You will receive a timeslot to visit the Sagrada Familia between 15.30 and 16.30h.
Recibirás un horario para entrar a la Sagrada Familia, entre las 15.30 y las 16.30h.
The episode ranked number one in its timeslot for men aged 18-34.
El estreno de Metalocalypse obtuvo el ranking número 1 en su horario entre los hombres de 18 a 34 años de edad.
The ABC and CBS programs which aired in the same timeslot were canceled.
Los programas de ABC y CBS que se emitían en la misma franja horaria fueron cancelados.
The timeslot only fixes the time you enter the building.
La franja horaria solo marca la hora en la que entrarás al edificio.
The fee of 50 cents per timeslot is paid by Avery Dennison.
La cuota de 50 céntimos por un intervalo de tiempo es pagado por Avery Dennison.
'The registration of a timeslot is mandatory,' explains Wunderlich.
'El registro de un intervalo de tiempo es obligatorio', explica Wunderlich.
Their timeslot was given to Tony Orlando and Dawn the next fall.
Su intervalo de tiempo se le dio a Tony Orlando y Dawn el próximo otoño.
Cougar Town premiered on September 23, 2009 in the Wednesday 9:30 pm timeslot.
Cougar Town se estrenó el 23 de septiembre de 2009, en el horario de miércoles a las 21:30.
Each timeslot is tracked with time stamps and can be evaluated.
Cada franja horaria es observada con marcas de tiempo y puede ser evaluada.
The length of a timeslot is calculated automatically depending on the number of pallets.
La longitud de una franja horaria se calcula automáticamente en función del número de paletas.
Language See topics and languages available for each timeslot at our Information desk (Basque, Spanish, and English).
Idioma Consulta en Información los temas e idiomas disponibles en cada horario (euskera, español e inglés).
This means that nobody can use the other timeslot while you're using the repeater with one of these terrible radios.
Esto significa que nadie puede usar el otro intervalo de tiempo mientras está usando el repetidor con una de estas radios terribles.
Blue Bloods returned to its Friday timeslot in February 2011 owing to the series premiere of Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior.
Luego se anunció que Blue Bloods regresaría a su horario de los viernes en febrero de 2011 debido al estreno de Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior.
O'Brien began hosting a new show in Letterman's old timeslot, taking over the Late Night name.
Conan O'Brien comenzó a presentar un show en el antiguo horario de Letterman, utilizando el nombre Late Show.
Some editions of the program are subject to being moved to a later timeslot, due to conflicts with other scheduled live programming.
Algunas ediciones del programa están sujetas a ser trasladadas a una franja horaria posterior, debido a conflictos con otras programaciones en vivo programadas.
In its Sunday timeslot, Jonas has been doing well in key kids demographics and averaging 3.4 million viewers.
En su horario de domingo, a Jonas le ha ido bien en la demografía infantil clave y promediando 3.4 millones de espectadores.
It started in TV Tokyo's late-night timeslot on October 3, 2007 and ran for 25 episodes.
Se emitió en TV Tokyo en horario nocturno el 3 de octubre de 2007, cerrando con 25 episodios.
The present biological timeslot is marked by a manifest dwindling of this diversity, and such moments usually indicate the occasion when one dominant species replaces another.
El intervalo de tiempo biológico actual se caracteriza por una disminución manifiesta de esa diversidad y son momentos que usualmente indican la ocasión en que una especie dominante sustituye a otra.
With the telematics ETA, the booked timeslot automatically runs against real time, stresses Cargoclix shareholder Prof. Dr. Victor Meier.
Con la ETA telemática, la franja horaria reservada corre automáticamente contra el tiempo real , subraya el accionista de Cargoclix, Prof. Dr. Victor Meier.
This means that the radio could potentially work on DMR repeaters but it will jam the other timeslot like the DM-5R plus, so should never be used on a DMR repeater.
Esto significa que la radio podría trabajar en repetidores DMR, pero se atasca el otro intervalo de tiempo como el DM-5R más, por lo que nunca debe ser utilizado en un repetidor DMR.
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