  1. Inventory Slot Id Minecraft Servers
  2. Inventory Slot Id Minecraft 1.12.2
Inventory Slot Id Minecraft
  1. Im building a project with commands. How to add / testfor @a Inventory: Slot: 100b, id: minecraft: diamondboots if it has a specific tag, for example: Ski?
  2. Minecraft id and places a block from it under the turtle function selectandplacedown (minecraftid) for slot = 1, 16 do item = turtle. GetItemDetail (slot).

You may obtain the IDs either by calling GetInventorySlotInfo, ContainerIDToInventoryID, or from the table below. Note that you should never use these values in AddOns, since they may change. Use GetInventorySlotInfo (invSlotName) to get the current mapping.

MinecraftInventory slot id minecraft 1.12.2

Inventory Slot Id Minecraft Servers

Inventory Slot Id Minecraft

Inventory Slot Id Minecraft 1.12.2

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      private intamount
      private CraftingInventorycraftingInv
      private PlayerEntityplayer
      • Fields inherited from class net.minecraft.inventory.slot.Slot

        id, inventory, xPosition, yPosition
    • Constructor Summary

      CraftingResultSlot​(PlayerEntity player, CraftingInventory craftingInv, Inventory inventory, int invSlot, int xPosition, int yPosition)
    • Method Summary

      All MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete Methods
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      booleancanInsert​(ItemStack stack)
      protected voidonCrafted​(ItemStack stack)
      protected voidonCrafted​(ItemStack stack, int amount)
      voidonTakeItem​(PlayerEntity player, ItemStack stack)
      ItemStacktakeStack​(int amount)
      • Methods inherited from class net.minecraft.inventory.slot.Slot

        canTakeItems, doDrawHoveringEffect, getMaxStackAmount, getMaxStackAmount, getStack, hasStack, markDirty, method_8155, method_8163, onStackChanged, setStack
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
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