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Gambling is big business. In 2011, nearly 60 million Americans visited a casino, and commercial casinos existed in 22 states. At that time, casinos employed 339,000 people, generating nearly $35 billion in gross revenues, and paying state and local governments nearly $8 billion in direct gaming taxes, not to mention property taxes and income taxes from casino employees. There are a total of 24 casinos along the I-55 Interstate Highway, 1 casino in Louisiana, 12 casinos in Mississippi, 0 casinos in Tennessee, 1 in Arkansas, 4 in Missouri and 6 in Illinois. Select the casino name for full address to plug into your mobile GPS. Back to page showing all Interstate Highways.
'NORMAN — The line to get inside Thunderbird Casino stretched nearly 250 people long.

A buddy of mine sent me this picture of Thunderbird Casino taken about an hour after opening time.
(Hopefully that link works. I haven't been able to embed a picture in my posts the last few times I've tried.)
If'n I'd a knowed you wanted to have went with me - I'd a seen that you got to get to go.
Here are pictures of additional lines at other casinos.
If'n I'd a knowed you wanted to have went with me - I'd a seen that you got to get to go.
Thanks for this post from:
It didn't look like anyone posted this but my apology if the did:
Thanks for this post from:

Here are pictures of additional lines at other casinos.

Hmm. Some of those people from what I can see don't look like they are following the 6 feet rule.

It didn't look like anyone posted this but my apology if the did:

CEO sounded very reasonable. When the reporter mentioned that even with just 3 people at a BJ table, there is not 6 feet between the patrons. He mentioned it is close to 6 feet, and their faces are not pointed at each other..... I'm sure for most slots, the closing of every other machine doesn't make it 6 feet either..... I'm sure Caesars' presents its plan to some government regulator, and will either get approved or not approved. If they really want to enforce a true 6 foot rule, then that will be only 2 players at a BJ table. Same for craps. You would have to somehow prohibit players from leaning over the table, or they would be within 6 feet of the people on the other side of the table. Apparently customers will NOT be required to wear masks. How do you MAKE SURE that no one walks within 6 feet of a player seated at a table? Just walking from one area to another will be impossible.
If there is a REAL decision to enforce the '6 foot rule', then no casino could open.
It will be a phony rule. No one will enforce.
How will they put six feet between the dealers and the players?

Casinos Off 35 In Iowa

How will they put six feet between the dealers and the players?

They won't. They will argue that because the dealer is wearing a mask it doesn't matter.
Living longer does not always infer +EV

It will be a phony rule. No one will enforce.

A lot of these new rules and regulations the casinos are hyping won’t be enforced. A lot of PR hype to get people okay with the idea of reopening. Anyone really think the pit bosses are going to wipe down the player’s spot every time someone leaves the table?
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

CEO sounded very reasonable. When the reporter mentioned that even with just 3 people at a BJ table, there is not 6 feet between the patrons. He mentioned it is close to 6 feet, and their faces are not pointed at each other..... I'm sure for most slots, the closing of every other machine doesn't make it 6 feet either..... I'm sure Caesars' presents its plan to some government regulator, and will either get approved or not approved. If they really want to enforce a true 6 foot rule, then that will be only 2 players at a BJ table. Same for craps. You would have to somehow prohibit players from leaning over the table, or they would be within 6 feet of the people on the other side of the table. Apparently customers will NOT be required to wear masks. How do you MAKE SURE that no one walks within 6 feet of a player seated at a table? Just walking from one area to another will be impossible.
If there is a REAL decision to enforce the '6 foot rule', then no casino could open.
It will be a phony rule. No one will enforce.

Casino Off 55 Retirement Communities

I suppose if there is room, they could put those theater type ropes (whatever they are called) to maintain space in some areas. Also, one way isles? If someone wants to be an asshole and push those temp barriers over or out of the way. Well, there is always security to escort them out the door.
Quasimodo? Does that name ring a bell?

A lot of these new rules and regulations the casinos are hyping won’t be enforced. A lot of PR hype to get people okay with the idea of reopening. Anyone really think the pit bosses are going to wipe down the player’s spot every time someone leaves the table?

Who do you call when the 6-foot rule is clearly not being enforced? Who do you call when the dealer's mask doesn't cover his nose or you're allowed to sit at a seat that has not been immediately sterilized when the previous occupant got up?
In a casino on tribal territory, who does enforcement when you DO make the call?
I've read the actual wording in all of the executive orders and health mandates in my state, and they all involve fines and shutdowns on BUSINESSES ONLY. There are requirements for individuals, but no penalties for not complying. Where I live there is specific wording in the business order that says the establishment actually CANNOT refuse entry to someone that is not wearing a mask. The state has got the business establishment by the short hair since the business is already strictly regulated and can get its license pulled on a whim. They want you to think that they have the same level of control over individuals, but they do not. The actual written orders cleary demonstrate that, but they hype the rules as being more than they have the power to require.
What will drive all these rules is what has always been what determined the level of business you can expect: customer acceptance. I wouldn't go into a casino, a restaurant, or a public bathroom on Day One, even if 'the state' mandated that everyone where a hazmat suit and be encased in a bubble. Anyone who depends on mandated rules - state, federal, tribal - to decide for them what is safe is an idiot.
Business will not return to normal until enough people can trust their own common sense to resume living. Assuming they have a disposable income to spend - anywhere.

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